Filming and Photography Policy
Tapestry Pictures Limited – Photography and Filming Policy Statement
Tapestry Pictures Limited produces films for schools, charities and families. In making our films, we work with adults, and children of all ages.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
To protect children and young people who take part in Tapestry Pictures Limited’s filming.
To set out the overarching principles that guide our approach to filming children and young people.
To ensure that we operate in line with our values and within the law when creating, using and sharing images of children and young people
We believe that:
Children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to take, share and use images of children safely.
We recognise that:
In three of our filming categories (family, schools and charity), we regularly film children and young people.
The welfare of the children and young people taking part in our activities is paramount
Children, their parents and carers have a right to decide whether their images are taken and how these may be used, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation
Consent to take images of children is only meaningful when children, their parents and carers understand how the images will be used and stored, and are fully aware of the potential risks associated with the use and distribution of these images
There are potential risks associated with sharing images of children online.
More information about this is available from
We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:
Always asking for written consent from a parent or carer before taking and using a child’s image
Explaining what images will be used for, how they will be stored and what potential risks are associated with sharing images of children
Making it clear that if a child or their family withdraw consent for an image to be shared, it may not be possible to delete images that have already been shared or published
Generally not using children’s names (and only doing so with specific consent from parent or carer).
Never publishing personal information about individual children and disguising any identifying information. (Although, if we are making in schools, children may be wearing identifiable school uniform).
Making sure children, their parents and carers understand how images of children will be securely stored and for how long (including how we will control access to the images and their associated information)
Reducing the risk of images being copied and used inappropriately by:
o only using images of children in appropriate clothing (including safety wear if necessary)
o avoiding full face and body shots of children taking part in activities such as swimming where there maybe a heightened risk of images being misused
Using images that positively reflect young people’s involvement in the activity.
Storing images
We will store photographs and videos of children securely, in accordance with our safeguarding policy and data protection law. Please refer to our data privacy policy at
Contact details
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Suzanne Friend on 07966 255723
NSPCC Helpline. 0808 800 5000
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales Summaries of key legislation and guidance is available on:
· online abuse -
· child protection -