We talk to the children about their lives at home and at school, about their interests, opinions and aspirations.
Growing Up > Siblings Films
Growing Up > Siblings Films
“We love watching the film. The kids were clearly very relaxed with the interviewer and very open about their views, which was lovely. They also told me after the filming that they had really enjoyed the whole experience - I think they liked being in the spotlight for a while. Thank you. It is something to treasure always. ”
Filming two children together is all about the dynamics between them. We need to keep both children engaged throughout the interview, so the conversation is necessarily inclusive. We discuss things that the children have in common – what they do together, what they think of each other, family life, veering only relatively briefly into each child’s specific interests. The most memorable moments are in the siblings’ reactions to each other and the results are usually both heart warming and funny. This kind of film can be a very precious snapshot of the developing relationship of siblings.
1. Book online
Using the link below or phone us on 07966 255723
2. Filming
In our studio in Hampstead
3. Editing
By our talented and professional editors
4. Delivery of your film
Via a link to a downloadable digital file. Copies also available on DVD and Memory Stick.
“Thank you so much! This video is incredible and is such a fantastic snapshot of my children’s lives. We are so pleased with the outcome and couldn’t have asked for a better end product. ”
“We only (!) watched it twice last night, mostly holding our bellies, laughing with tears of joy in our eyes.... Thank you for producing such an enjoyable and fantastic film of our children”